To add a new goal, you need to go to the 'Campaigns' section, select the campaign, go to the 'Goals' section > 'Goals and Sales' and click on the “Add goal” button on the left bottom.
Then you can add the goal’s title, criteria, and goal value (no value, fixed value, changing value).
To add criteria you need to click on the “Add criteria” button on the left, under the title’s field.
The criteria can be set according to the current page, previous page, time on page, and time on the website. In case the current or previous page is set, the page URL needs to be in the field that will appear.
For the changing value, the system will give you the JavaScript code you need to put on the page, containing the goal value. The EXAMPLE_VALUE needs to be replaced with an actual goal value. EXAMPLE_VALUE needs to be a float number or a text enclosed by single quotes.
When the goal value is fixed, you need to enter the desired amount in the field (currencies wise).
Google Universal Analytics - it allows you to automatically send events for afterward analysis.
The software is able to send a great number of events to your Google Universal Analytics (GUA) in order to analyze the performance of your Chat Campaigns. These events allow you to build custom reports giving a quick overview of how visitors move through the campaign.