Go to the Campaigns tab -> Select the campaign you want to modify -> Go to the category ‘Tools’.
! Canned responses help you assist visitors more quickly and unambiguously because agents do not have to write the same answers over and over again. This saves your agents a lot of time.
Under ‘Canned responses’ you can click on ‘More settings’ or enable the feature to start adding questions and answers to your forum.
When you change the forum you wish to use for your campaign, make sure to click on 'Save’.
You can set up multiple forums per campaign. By selecting a specific forum or clicking on ‘Add response’ (new forum), you can start adding or adjusting Canned Responses and Frequently Asked Questions.
When you add or adjust the name of a forum, make sure to click on ‘Save’.
Within a specific forum, at the bottom of the page, you can click on ‘Add Q&A’ to add questions and answers. You can enter the question, answer, and a shortkey. This shortkey (hashtag) is what the agent uses to trigger the Canned Response.
Adding and/or adjusting questions, answers, and shortkeys is saved automatically.
For example, the website visitor asks a question about the costs per chat, and the installed shortkey for costs-related questions is #costs. In this case, the agent can type #costs, and all canned responses linked to this shortkey are displayed.