A user is a login to our software. The best practice is to create a user for every agent so that more agents can chat at the same time, logging in separately.
Creating a user is very easy, you just need to follow these simple steps:
1. Go to the 'Users & Groups' section on the top of the page.
2. Click on the 'Add User' button on the right top side.
3. Then you need to fill in the 'sing in information' - email address and password.
4. In case you do not wish to think of a password, you can click on the 'Generate' button on the right side and the system will automatically generate a password that covers all the requirements.
5. Scrolling down on the same page, you will see the Profile section. There you need to fill in the first and last name, the nickname, upload a profile photo from the 'Choose File' option, and choose the language.
6. Next, you need to choose the rights for the user - whether they will have a manager's rights, an agent's rights, or an agent's right for testing. You can of course choose to have them all from the first selection.
7. At the end you need to just click on the 'Save' button and the user will be successfully created!
NB! If the 'Save' button is greyed out, that means that one or more of the mandatory fields were not filled in. Please check them all and then try to save the information again.
The created user will be visible in the users' list. In order to change the user's settings, you need to:
1. Choose the user from the list and click on it.
2. In the section personal info, you can change:
1. The profile photo
2. First and Last Name
3. Email address
4. Nickname
5. View profile photo tick - if it is ticked, the photo will be visible for the customer, if it is not ticked - only the name will be displayed in the chat window
6. The language
7. Number of simultaneous NRT chats that the user can handle
8. Number of simultaneous live chat the user can handle
Do not forget to click on the 'Save' button at the end so that the changes can be saved.
From the 'Groups' section of the user, you can change the groups the user is a member of.
In the last section - 'Security' - you can change the user's password (1) and IP settings (2).
Do not forget to click on the 'Save' buttons if you make a change to a section so that the changes can take effect.