A data feed lets you bulk upload items to your catalog using a spreadsheet file. You can upload a file once or set up a schedule to update your catalog automatically on a regular basis. Your catalog can hold multiple data feeds, but each data feed must contain different items.
Note: These steps are to upload a new data feed. To update an existing one, follow the steps to update a data feed instead.
Before you begin
- Create a file from our template to use for your data feed. Your file must be in CSV, TSV or XML (RSS/ATOM) format or in Google Sheets and include the required fields for the type of items you sell.
- Optional: To set up an upload schedule, you’ll need to save your file first on your server, on a hosting website such as Dropbox, or in Google Sheets. Learn more about scheduled feed uploads.
Upload a new data feed to a catalog
To upload a new data feed to your catalog:
- Go to Commerce Manager and select your catalog.
- Open the Catalog tab and go to Data Sources.
- Select Add Items. If a dropdown appears, select Add Multiple Items.
- Select Data Feed followed by Next.
- Under Is your spreadsheet or file ready?, select Yes and then Next. If you don’t have a file ready yet, learn how to create one.
- Optional: To check if your file is formatted correctly, select Check File. A tool appears in a new tab. Copy and paste several rows from your file into the tool and select Validate. If you see any errors, edit your file to fix them before you proceed. Close the tab when you’re finished and select Next.
- Choose how to upload your file. Follow the link from your selected option below to skip to your next steps:
- Upload from computer: Upload your file from your computer as a single upload. This is a simple option if your item information doesn’t change very often. Skip to section.
- Use a URL: Provide the link to your file saved on your server or a hosting website such as Dropbox or Google Drive. This is a convenient option if your item information changes often because you’ll schedule automated updates. Skip to section.
- Use Google Sheets: Provide the link to your file saved as a spreadsheet in Google Sheets. This is a convenient option if your item information changes often because you’ll schedule automated updates.
Upload a file from your computer
To upload a file from your computer:
- Drag and drop a file from your computer or select Choose files on your device. Your file must be in CSV, TSV or XML (RSS/ATOM) format and up to 100 MB. Select Next.
- Review your data feed’s settings. Select to make any changes. The default currency will only be used if prices in your file don't include a currency code.
- Select Save Feed and Upload.
- If your file has any field (column) naming issues, you may see these listed. For example, there might be a misspelled field name or one we don't support. Under Column Issues, match fields in your file to our required fields. Under Unrecognizable Columns, match any fields we don't recognize to fields we support. Then select Upload. We'll create data feed rules to automatically fix these issues for future uploads of this data feed.
You’ve uploaded a new data feed as a single file upload from your computer. Your data feed now appears in Data Sources. You can select it to see an overview or manage its settings. To update your items in the future, go to your feed’s settings and upload a new version of your file from your computer under Single Upload.
Use a URL
To upload a file hosted on your server or on a website such as Dropbox or Google Drive:
- Enter the URL where your file is hosted. The URL must begin with http://, https://, ftp:// or sftp://. It must link to your file in CSV, TSV or XML (RSS/ATOM) format, not to a landing page on your website, Facebook Page or somewhere else. You can test the URL in your browser to make sure it downloads your file. The file size limit is 8 GB. If your URL starts with ftp:// or sftp:// and is password protected, enter your login details. When you’re finished, select Next.
- Choose an hourly, daily or weekly upload schedule for your data feed. Select Next.
- Review your data feed’s settings. Select to make any changes. The default currency will only be used if prices in your file don't include a currency code.
- Select Save Feed and Upload.
- If your file has any field (column) naming issues, you may see these listed. For example, there might be a misspelled field name or one we don't support. Under Column Issues, match fields in your file to our required fields. Under Unrecognizable Columns, match any fields we don't recognize to fields we support. Then select Upload. We'll create data feed rules to automatically fix these issues for future uploads of this data feed.
You've uploaded a new data feed from a URL. Your data feed now appears in Data Sources. You can select it to see an overview or manage its settings. To update your items in the future, edit your file and save it again on your hosting website. We'll fetch it from its URL to update your catalog at your scheduled times. You can edit your schedule or request a single upload sooner in your data feed's settings.
Use Google Sheets
To upload a Google spreadsheet:
- Paste in the link to your Google spreadsheet and select Next. You can get this link by opening your Google spreadsheet in a new tab and selecting Share in the top-right corner. Under Get link, set your sharing option to Anyone with the link, not Restricted. Select Copy link.
- Choose an hourly, daily or weekly upload schedule for your data feed. Select Next.
- Review your data feed’s settings. Select to make any changes. The default currency will only be used if prices in your file don't include a currency code.
- Select Save Feed and Upload.
You've uploaded a new data feed from Google Sheets. Your data feed now appears in Data Sources. Select it to see an overview or manage its settings. To update your items in the future, edit your Google spreadsheet and we'll use it to update your catalog at your scheduled times. You can edit your schedule or request a single upload sooner in your data feed's settings.