A catalog holds the items you want to advertise or sell across Facebook and Instagram. Providing high quality item information in your catalog helps customers discover your items and make more informed purchase decisions.
Follow these best practices to build and manage a high quality catalog:
- Use one catalog for ads and commerce: We recommend that you keep all your items in one catalog instead of creating multiple catalogs. This makes it easier to manage your inventory and helps build your audience for ads. Also, if you set up Facebook Shops, you’ll need to select only one catalog to connect.
- Keep your catalog updated, especially prices and availability: Make sure to update your items every time their information changes. Customers will have a better experience if the items they see in your ads or shop are in stock, correctly priced and match the information on your website.
- Provide accurate titles and descriptions: Product titles and descriptions are important to create a first impression of your item. The title and description should be different from one another. Make sure to include important details, avoid keyword stuffing, proofread for spelling and don't include any links in these fields. Learn more about specifications for titles and descriptions.
- Choose high quality images: To showcase your items, use high resolution images that are at least 500 x 500 pixels and show your items accurately. Learn more about image specifications.
- Make sure product links are correct: Make sure that your product links begin with http:// or https:// and aren’t broken. Links must also direct customers to the correct product page for that exact item on your website and must be hosted on your business’s domain.
- Include product category information: If you sell items with Facebook Shops, provide a product category for each item in your catalog. You can then provide more specific information for each category. This helps customers discover your items. If you use checkout, it's also necessary for tax purposes.
- Set up variants: If you sell variants of the same item, like different sizes or colors, make sure to set up variants in your catalog so they display correctly.
- Create sets of items in your catalog: Within your catalog, create sets, which are sub-groups of items. You can use sets to control the items that appear in your ads or feature collections of items in your shop on Facebook or Instagram. Learn about best practices for sets.
- Check if any items are rejected: Items that don’t comply with our Advertising Policies or Commerce Policies appear as rejected in your catalog and won’t display in your ads or shop. You can either edit rejected items so they comply or request a review if you believe they were incorrectly rejected. Learn more about troubleshooting rejected items.
- Make sure you have the correct permissions: To perform actions on a catalog, such as adding items or creating sets, you'll need the correct permission level for the catalog in Business Manager. There are two permission levels for catalogs: Manage catalog or Create ads. Learn more about catalog permissions.